EN-Feature Notes

Intrusion Panel Integration

Issue link: https://resources.genetec.com/i/1031711

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© 2022 Genetec, Inc. All rights reserved. Genetec, the Genetec logo, Federation, Omnicast, Synergis, and AutoVu are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Genetec. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. UPDT-10-JUN-22 Genetec Inc. genetec.com/locations info@genetec.com @genetec Feature note · Intrusion Panel Integration Genetec's intrusion panel integration works with variety of hardware devices Intrusion integration architecture Intrusion panels connect over an IP network to the Config Tool and Security Desk within Genetec Security Center. Choose from a cloud, on premises or a hybrid approach. You are ensured of easy deployment, reliability, and real-time communications going forward. Please refer to the intrusion detection extensions and plugins feature comparison on TechDoc Hub for a detailed list the available features per supported device. Keypad Intrusion control panel Intrusion manager role Security desk Sensors Config tool Cloud Hybrid On premises

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