EN- Technical Partners Brochures

Ebook Genete & Axis Network encryption

Issue link: https://resources.genetec.com/i/1257803

Contents of this Issue


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1 Securing all aspects of your security system — communications, servers and data — is of increasing importance to businesses today. It's also driving the convergence of physical security and cybersecurity. Whether you are responsible for your organization's physical security or cybersecurity it is about continually identifying the assets and resources you need to protect. From this you can assess the most plausible threats to protect against and how to prevent, detect and remediate external and internal threats. Purpose of this document The aim of this guide is to provide an overview of how encryption keeps network streaming of video, audio and data secure. Protecting communication between network video cameras, management software and clients Introduction Table of Contents 03 Specific threats for encrypting network streaming 05 Policy makers focus in on privacy and encryption 07 Options for encrypting network video streams 09 Three ways to encrypt network video streams

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