EN- Technical Partners Brochures

Ebook Genete & Axis Network encryption

Issue link: https://resources.genetec.com/i/1257803

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13 Contact us © Genetec Inc., 2018. Genetec, the Genetec Logo and Genetec Clearance are trademarks of Genetec Inc., and may be registered or pending registration in several jurisdictions. Other trademarks used in this document may be trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the respective products. Genetec Inc. AXIS Communications genetec.com/trust info@genetec.com @genetec Axis Communications AB (Sweden) Tel: +46 46 272 18 00 Axis Live Support Chat: www.axis.com/support/chat Partnering for effective cybersecurity protection Genetec and Axis are committed to helping its customers and communities excel in the security of security. One of the ways we do this is by finding effective solutions to harden our respective devices, software and systems. For example, our respective hardening guides offer clear means to apply security controls. Moreover, our close collaboration means you can automatically implement a range of the recommendations to secure Axis cameras contained in the Axis hardening guide directly in the Genetec Security Center. Knowledge sharing is another way Genetec and Axis work together to support the security of your security devices and system. Here we outline two steps in creating security policies for network video technology and three options we offer you for using encryption to protect communication between security systems, networks and communications.

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