
Less Pain, More Gain: Why Now Might Be the Time to Upgrade Your Access Control System

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One tip to reduce the learning curve for employees when learning how to use a new access control system is to select a software provider that offers a unified security solution that brings together all security-related data into one single interface. This will drastically reduce the time you'll need to spend training staff now and in the future, as all new hardware and technology will be integrated within this unified security system, and all related data, settings, and reports can be viewed and manipulated within one consistent interface. Finally, the easiest way to reduce risk and ensure an efficient and smooth transition is simply to work with someone who has successfully been through it many times before. Choose a systems integrator and software provider with solid experience in access control systems migration in your industry. If your team doesn't have the resources to handle project management, your software provider may be able to offer project management services or other assistance as needed for pre-deployment, deployment, and post- deployment. Some even provide data migration conversion, which automatically converts data from your old system and inputs it into the new software, and ways of keeping data in sync while two systems run in parallel, to ensure no data is lost during migration. Ask your systems integrator or software provider if they offer professional services such as these to assist in the transition. Despina Stamatelos is Senior Commercial Manager of Access Control at Genetec Inc . Prior to her start at Genetec in January 2019, Despina gained more than 15 years of experience working in product and marketing management in the security and telecommunication industries.

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