Less Pain, More Gain: Why Now Might Be the Time
to Upgrade Your Access Control System - Total
Security Advisor
9-11 minutes
Today's access control systems are much more than just tools to manage locking and
unlocking doors. Over the last decade, advances in digital technologies have transformed
how these systems work and the benefits they can offer you. Features like mobile
credentials, biometrics, cybersecurity, and integration with building systems can not only be
used to restrict entry to secure areas, but also to reduce staff workload and improve
operational efficiency.
Despite the clear benefits of upgrading to a modern access control system, many
companies are still hanging on to legacy systems that date back 15 years or more. It's not
that they aren't aware of the drawbacks of continuing to use an older system. It's that the
process of migrating to a new system can feel daunting: managing the risk of unplanned
downtime or system interruptions, training staff on a new system—not to mention finding
the time in a busy schedule to evaluate options and identify a project manager with the
capacity to take on the additional workload to oversee the transition.
Another important consideration, of course, is cost. Yet how much money and time are you
pouring into an old system that simply can't keep up with today's business needs?
Cybersecurity Weaknesses in Older Access Control Systems
Maintaining a legacy access control system is time-consuming and expensive. While it
continues to protect your people and assets, an outdated system may leave your company
exposed to new threats such as cyberattacks and may not be able to keep up with your