Our vision is to empower cities with data-driven support by
uncovering hidden insights within datasets. Our goal is to increase
your team's efficiency in accessing and using available data.
We do this by using data lakes which creates the ability for
information to be consolidated, normalized, and correlated to
yield valuable insights.
Our approach first defines the purpose, outcomes, and people.
What will the data be used for? What do you want to achieve
with your data? Who should have access to your data? This initial
phase covers the data needed, and identifies how data needs to
be transformed to achieve your goals. This approach also allows
you to remain compliant with city policy by providing easy
management of security, access, and outcomes.
Our methodology is phased in three steps; discovery, transformation,
and governance. The result empowers users to gather and use
actionable insights to increase operational efficiency and city safety.
Our vision and approach
Our methodology
Characterized by finding the
outcomes desired, the critical
questions that are trying to be
answered, and defining facts and
definitions, the discovery phase
builds a framework based on
user needs for the initial data
pipelines—the efficient flow of
data from source to destination.