EN-Feature Notes

Mission Control additional fields

Issue link: https://resources.genetec.com/i/1493419

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Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ additional fields are custom fields that help you capture incident data to raise situational awareness during incident monitoring, enhance automation activities, and enrich incident reports. Getting the most out of your data Operators capture valuable information within the procedure steps of an incident. However, these data points are underutilized since they exist statically within the procedure responses. They cannot be leveraged to enhance monitoring or to expand reporting and automation capabilities. Leverage information captured by operators Vital information provided at the outset of an incident or entered as a procedure response can be captured within additional fields and used dynamically. It remains displayed in the additional fields widget throughout the incident and becomes available for various actions within the monitoring task, automation, other procedure steps, and the incident reports task. Key benefits Narrow down report searches based on operator responses Track metrics and gain deeper insights from incident reports Display vital data within a widget to enhance situational awareness Filter incident list by incident details Trigger automated actions based on additional fields conditions Embed key information within procedure steps and automated emails Display pertinent web pages within incident tiles Transmit incident details to third-party systems via Mission Control API Mission Control additional fields Capture incident data that matters How we help Feature note Application: Mission Control Industries: Critical Infrastructure, Education, Financial Institutions, Public Safety, Airports, Utilities, Tech/Media/Telecom Operations Refine automation capabilities Trigger automation activities based on conditions collected by additional fields values. They can also be used to enrich automated email content dynamically. Enhanced monitoring Critical information remains at the forefront within the additional fields widget during an incident and can be used to sort and filter your incident list. Boost reporting capabilities Filter reports by selecting additional field values to quickly narrow search results. Apply values to generate comprehensive reports for deeper insights and to track metrics.

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