EN-Product Brochures

Security Center SaaS

Issue link: https://resources.genetec.com/i/1518469

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Overview Security Center SaaS is a unified cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) physical security solution. It combines enterprise-grade capabilities, an open partner ecosystem, massive scalability, and the highest levels of cybersecurity, privacy, and reliability. It also speeds up deployments and removes management and maintenance complexities. Rapid elasticity Grow and pivot with more agility, and rapidly spin up new sites anywhere in the world. Scale users, storage, CPU, and more through the cloud, independently of your site-based hardware capacity and without impact on performance or extra effort on your end. Unlimited connectivity Monitor, respond, and keep track of all security operations how and where you want, via web, mobile, and desktop applications. Benefit from increased flexibility and collaboration, without sacrificing efficiency and reliability. Frictionless transition Leverage existing devices and infrastructure, ensuring a frictionless transition to connected and cloud- managed solutions. Secure your organization's investment and maximize your readiness for tomorrow's innovations.

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