As you prepare to reopen your business,
you'll need to keep your customers
and employees safe by adjusting your
security measures to adhere to physical
distancing regulations. A top priority will
be to define occupancy guidelines and
mobilize your operations to limit the risk
of COVID-19 transmission.
These guidelines can vary from a
maximum threshold to the number of
people per square foot. To enforce this,
you'll need to know how many people are
on your premises at any given moment–
then continuously monitor the data and
take action when thresholds are met.
Our new Occupancy Management Package will enable you to operate within the guidelines for occupancy density.
This solution can count the number of people in your store or similar public-facing business, visualize the data and send
alerts to employees when occupancy limits are being reached. Reports can also be produced to demonstrate your
compliance with local measures.
Solutions bundle
Genetec Occupancy Management Package
All-in-one occupancy package to enable public-facing businesses
to adhere to occupancy regulations
We can help you tap into your security system to:
Count people: Utilize cameras to
count people or install Quanergy LiDAR
People Counting sensor to keep track
of occupancy.
Visualize data: View occupancy data
through your Security Desk dashboard.
Analyze occupancy reports and
create people counting audit reports
to document compliance.
Manage occupancy policies: Better
manage occupancy by reacting to
threshold alerts. Alerts can be delivered by
mobile tablets, email alerts, or generated
as an event to action within Security Desk.