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Decision management series

Taking Human Emotion out of the Equation

What’s security about in the 21st century? For many organizations, it’s about the ability to return to normal as quickly as possible after an incident. To do this, we rely on security operators and personnel to respond quickly and effectively. But, we also know that in high pressure situations human emotion, including stress and anxiety, can get in the way of good-decision making. So, to help reduce the impact of natural human responses to high stakes situations, we developed Mission Control, which simplifies operators’ tasks and decision-making process when handling both routine activities and undesirable situations.

What is Mission Control? It’s a collaborative decision-making system that provides organizations with situational intelligence, visualization, and incident management capabilities. Simply put, it boosts decision and incident management capabilities by guiding operators through the monitoring and resolution process and allowing them to take control of undesirable situations. And, one of its key features is helping to remove emotion from responses.

To do this, Mission Control helps organizations to proactively prepare. Basically, it provides organizations with tools for planning in advance and standardizing responses to situations—with cool heads and clear vision—before they arise in the field.

Specifically, Mission Control allows organizations to define incident categories and how they are triggered. Then it guides operators through the resolution process and helps organizations decide what, when, and how procedures must be followed. Ultimately, it means that you’ll be able to define your response strategy and contingency plans well in advance of a potential situation.

In the weeks to come, we’re going to be sharing more information about what Mission Control can do for you. Up next, we’ll be looking at how increased Situational Intelligence leads to better decisions in the field.